Tuesday 7 February 2012

Magazine Cover Design Plans

As a group, we have each individually created 1-2 drafts of how we believe our magazine cover should be laid out. We have stuck to the conventional layout techniques and have made annotations using media terminology.

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Scott Collins

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Devon Dalton

  • The first plan clearly shows where each feature will be positioned on the cover
  • The quirky shapes around the selling price and cover lines attract attention to the important features and storylines
  • The left-third includes the masthead, the selling price, 2 cover lines and the magazine bar code. Keeping this information in this section of the magazine cover is important as the left-third is usually the only part of the cover that is visible when on the shelves.
  • The main cover line is slightly slanted, emphasising the confusion and uncertainty of the storyline
  • The magazine selling price is displayed twice to show off how affordable the issue really is

  • A variety of colours have been used to create a bright and attractive magazine display. Using vibrant colours also highlights key features and storylines
  • Using question marks and exclamation points engages with the reader by asking them questions and promising them a juicy read
  • The bold outlines used around the cover lines contribute towards the business of the page and the colourful display
  • The colour red used in the masthead is a generic convention that is traditionally used in existing soap magazine covers (eg. What's on TV, TV choice, Soaplife, etc.)

Emily Wallace

Magazine Plan