Monday, 2 January 2012

Rough Cut 1 Audience Feedback

To make our final cut more professional we asked a range of audience members, varying from media students to people in other professions to analyse our work telling us three positives and three negatives. The media students offered us terminology based feedback but the un-media-educated viewers offered us feedback from a more believable audience.

Rough Cut Trailer

Below are the positives:

- Good range and use of camera shots showing we have a good understanding of camera techniques

-The audience enjoyed the variety of storylines shown; capturing both their attention and imagination

-The piece is informative with a wide list of enigma coded information

-The camera angels in the car look professional shot

-Like the different settings of the piece

-Love the baby scene, with Jennifer Ward. The way character met in one shot through walking and driving then go separate directions looked impressive and professional

-Like the last shot, of Rachel Manning’s reveal  

-The costumes look good, you can tell through them each characters career

-The locations are good

-The storyline/narrative is good and well presented

Below are the negatives:

-The voice over at the end advertising the soap opera needs to be louder

-Not 100% sure about the meaning behind the storyline. However, they have ideas and are guessing which I believe is good as it will keep them interested

-Unrealistic sound effects

-The music is annoyingly frustrating

-The titles need to be more interesting

Rough Cut Poster

Below are the Positives:


-Good use of colour/decorative

-Good detail in body and facial expressions of the characters.

Below are the negatives

-Hard to read the title

-Need a slogan

-Copy right of channel four logo

-Some characters are out of the frame

-Add a soap logo

-It doesn’t make the soap seem very rural.

Rough Cut Magazine

Below are the positives:

-The left third is great!

-Title is big and easy to read

-The editing of the character, such as the cutting our process is brilliant

-Good use of colour to make the cover stand out

-Good advertising

-Good storylines

Below are the negatives:

-Text of smaller cover lines has to be enlarged.

-Middle section needs to be busier

-No barcode

-No dateline

-No timing of the show

-Colour scheme is to random

-The 45p sign looks tacky

All of the above feedback has been considered and required improvements will be applied to rough cut two.

Scott Collins