Dismissed location
Dismissed Location
Dismissed Location
Dismissed Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Dismissed Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Dismissed Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Confirmed location 1 is the corner location for the shot including the broken down car, the farm girl character and the mechanic. The reason the location is ideal is firstly it is rural; secondly people’s properties will not be in the framing of the shot and thirdly has a corner where we can park a car without intruding over drivers.
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
Potential Location
1. Confirmed Location
This picture shows the wall we wish to use for the over the wall conversation between older characters. We are debating the location above this picture (the gate) as it may be easier to get a good angel and have our driver drive past.
Potential Location
Potential Location
2. Confirmed Location
2. Confirmed Location
This location will be used as an establishing introductory shot. With a wide choice of angels we can choose which position is the best to connote the show is rural.
2. Confirmed Location
Potential Location
All dismissed locations were dismissed for not being green enough. Though rural in location, we want a happier feel to the introduction (of the trailer) to our soap. Brown (the dismissed colour) connotes dullness and boredom, a colour we must avoid.
Further considerations on locations:
Whiles scouting locations it quickly came clear that environmental sound is a key issue when gathering locations. Some potential locations that were very appealing had to be ruled out as they were too close to busy roads which will damage the sound continuity of our piece.
However, to completely avoid the issue of environmental sound disruption we have decided to add a sound track to our piece cutting out any issues that could falter our sound continuity.
Another factor we had to consider was lighting. Rural roads like the image directly above has no street lights, which means it isn't ideal for filming in November time as it gets dark early. To solve this problem we plan to film on an early start and use all natural daytime lighting.
Another factor we had to consider was lighting. Rural roads like the image directly above has no street lights, which means it isn't ideal for filming in November time as it gets dark early. To solve this problem we plan to film on an early start and use all natural daytime lighting.
Scott Collins