The purpose of our soap opera trailer is to advertise our new soap opera and inform the audience of when the soap will be broadcasted, what channel and what time. It also will introduce the characters to the audience and suggest potential story lines in order to interest the audience and engage them, encouraging them to watch the first episode.
Like the trailer, the poster will also be used to advertise our new soap opera and inform the audience of when, where and how the audience can watch it. Through the images and text on the poster, we will also be able to introduce the characters and the relationships between them as well as suggested story lines. This will grab the audience's attention and make them ask questions, encouraging them to watch the show.
Finally, the listings magazine cover will also advertise our soap opera to the audience and, like the poster, use a variety of eye catching images and text to grab the audience's attention, make them ask questions about the story lines and relationships of the characters are as well as informing them which channel, what time and which day to watch the first episode.
These three link together through their primary aims: to advertise the new soap opera to audience and inform them when it will be aired. We want them to have a lasting impact on the audience, making them ask questions about the soap opera by the various uses of images and text and make them want to watch the first soap opera episode.
To create these products, we will use a variety of programmes and technologies. For the soap opera trailer, we will be using Final Cut Express on the mac to enable us to create the most professional and effective trailer. For the poster and listings magazine cover, we will use a variety of computer programmes such as Microsoft Publisher, Photoshop and Paint which will allow us to overlap images.
Charlotte Morrison